

Four Exceptional New Tutors!

Mack Doucet Lisa Oswald


Our Story


How the company started:

Teachers as Tutors began as a dream of a special education teacher. She realized that meeting kids where they were in the way they needed to be met would not always happen in the classroom setting. Working with student’s one-on-one was the solution. So, starting a tutoring company in her daughter's office complex was the answer to a prayer!

We are more than just a tutoring service!

When this company started, all of our tutors had been special education teachrs in public schools. Because of that, parents began asking the tutors advice on how to preceed with their child's Individualized Education Plans. Consequently, meetings were set between parents and the tut...


We can tutor in Spanish and French/ELA through college!

Teachers as Tutors offers tutoring in Spanish and French!

  1. Nse. Utuk has degrees in chemistry (summa cum laude) and in political science with an international relations concentration. She has taught in public and private schools in Georgia and public schools in Michigan. Nse. has covered various subjects, Spanish K-12, ELA for 6-12, economics, among others. She has tutored in mathematics, reading, the social sciences, pure sciences, and foreign languages. Nse has committed almost half her life to helping children realize their potential scholastically and is proud to join the team to continue to do so!

Tutors ELA, Spanish, French middle school through college.

Tutors online.